Growing up – looking back and looking forward

In the 30 short years I've been on this planet, I've gone through so much change within myself and in the world around me. I was talking to a friend recently and she admitted that something I'd said to her in highschool still weighs on her mind sometimes. Now, highschool for us was over a [...]

Bloggers who inspire me: Alicia Paulson (Posie Gets Cozy)

Sometimes things just click. Honey and carrots, cold and cuddles, salt and caramel, Milo and Otis... Lately, I'm learning more about what or who I 'click' with. I've been an avid Youtube viewer and blog reader for many years now but I've always been very passive - just watching, not participating. Recently though, I've discovered [...]

People who inspire me: Philippa Stanton

I first found Philippa Stanton via her Instagram feed (@5ftinf). I then realised, she had a blog of the same name and through that, discovered Philippa's art. If you visit Philippa's website you can read about her amazing ability to see taste, scent and sound due to her being Synaesthetic. She uses her incredible ability to create the most breath-taking paintings! I [...]