Growing up – looking back and looking forward

In the 30 short years I've been on this planet, I've gone through so much change within myself and in the world around me. I was talking to a friend recently and she admitted that something I'd said to her in highschool still weighs on her mind sometimes. Now, highschool for us was over a [...]

Bloombox Lovin’: a review of my flower subscription service

Subscription services are pretty popular these days. I subscribe to podcasts, music streaming and magazines. But did you know you can subscribe to flowers? This is apparently a thing. Fresh flowers delivered to your door regularly. I mean, what the actual heck? I'm a big flower fan. I'm also a passionate ameteur grower (and sometimes [...]

A lovely long weekend

My Mr and I celebrated 7 years of holding hands this October long weekend. We wanted to do something special but we didn't have long to organise it. I was searching around online for something that would fit the bill and I came across the Sydney Picnic Co. I'd been wanting to visit Wendy's Secret [...]

One hot minute in Melbs

Last week I found myself in Melbourne for work. I was only there for two nights but I thought I'd share some piccies from my time in the lovely southern city. When I started writing this blog I was sitting right about here: Flying seems to never lose its novelty for me. As we were [...]