The art of not being seen

What is it that turns off the green light in our minds? I'm often struck by just how fast I can flick from being 'go go go' to 'no no no'. I'm not talking about hitting the wall or running out of puff or other such turns of phrase. I'm talking about the weird disempowered [...]

Wanting to hibernate

I'm not sure what it is this month, but I've been feeling so dull. If I were once shining like a warm little firefly, I am currently emitting light similar to the soul-crushing fake fluorescents in my office building... it's like I'm in 'survival mode' instead of 'happy, contented Heidi mode'. I rant and rave [...]

Bloggers who inspire me: Alicia Paulson (Posie Gets Cozy)

Sometimes things just click. Honey and carrots, cold and cuddles, salt and caramel, Milo and Otis... Lately, I'm learning more about what or who I 'click' with. I've been an avid Youtube viewer and blog reader for many years now but I've always been very passive - just watching, not participating. Recently though, I've discovered [...]