Breathing trees

It’s peak hour and I find myself walking the long way home with an overtired little bub wrapped tight against my chest and an empty pram skimming ahead of me - lighter having its precious cargo commuting by other means. The traffic roars past us with ferocity. It’s unnerving and I find my arm coiling [...]

Our Vegepod: a year on

Last year we bought a raised modular garden bed called a Vegepod. We were flying pretty blind at the beginning but had high hopes that the ole pod would give us a bit of a friendly push along - seeing as it's designed to be a fairly self sufficient little invention. As you may have [...]

Growing good stuff to eat: our Vegepod project

For our birthdays this year, my husband and I (with the help of family) invested in a raised garden bed called a Vegepod. It’s a modular, portable system that was featured on Shark Tank. It seemed really easy to use and good for renters like us so I decided to document the whole Vegepod build [...]

My green buds: let me introduce you to some of the gang

A quick preface: I started writing this post many weeks ago. And now - I’m actually finishing and posting it! This makes me really proud because I very rarely face the half-done jobs I’ve left in my wake. And here I am looking at my little greenies below and thinking “Thanks guys for being the [...]

Social media and I: it’s complicated and this is a cheesy title.

On our last family holiday I was happily perched on the couch one night with bubba sleeping soundly down the hallway and hubby beside me. I was doing what I always did - scrolling mindlessly through a social media feed on my phone - when I was suddenly confronted by a very disturbing post. I'm [...]

What I’m currently listening to: Podcasts

There are some exceptional podcasts out there and I have a few gems to share. Here are five podcasts I'm currently enjoying. Hope you find something new in the list so you can expand your ears' horizons. They're always stuck in one spot so be sure to bring the good stuff to them!! 1. Invisibilia [...]

Behind the scenes: a psychology session

I wrote this post to answer the question "What's it like behind the closed door of a psychology session?" This is a trick question though! So, even though I have accurately answered it below, it has endless answers and all of them are right. For every person there's a unique version of the experience. There are limitless combinations of [...]