About doubt

I've spent so much of the last 9 months feeling inadequate and overwhelmed as a mum. What I'm realising is feeling like that doesn't mean I'm falling apart or failing. It just means I'm human. I thought I'd share some of my thoughts about motherhood on the blog despite my fear of becoming a 'mummy [...]

Walk through Sunday moments with me

We wake up in the middle of a cloud that has descended into the valley. Mist all around and above and below. Breakfast is out at a beautiful restaurant. Big wooden benches and a heavy-set table with views out to rain and green paddocks.  The baby sleeps while we linger on the porch enjoying food, [...]

Things they don’t sell in baby stores but should

It seems there's no end to the gadgets and gizmos we apparently need for our little ones. Baby stores are not for the faint-hearted. They're filled to the brim with everything you can imagine to transport, carry, entertain, feed, teach, stimulate, soothe, bounce, move, wrap, dress and care for bubbas. But you know what? They haven't [...]

Tiny Heid, illustrious author

Enjoy these stories written by 7yr old me. Note: Drawings by 31yr old me. Spelling and grammar as per original copy. The Triple Eyed Monster There once was a monster he was triple eyed. He was a sad monster even thowe he was friendley but he looked VERY scary. Everyone teased him because of his three eyes. [...]

Dressed up with nowhere to go

As a new mumma it can be hard to look after myself. Getting dressed in something nice is often low on my list of priorities, let alone getting dressed at all! Putting something nice on even if you're not leaving the house is a simple way to self-care.  Don't get me wrong - clothes can't [...]

What I wore – Relaxed sunny denim

Now I'm a mum it can be a challenge to put together an outfit that is comfy yet doesn't scream "pyjamas". Well, challenge accepted. This little combo is a favourite of mine. I got this light denim dress from Big W (Emerson brand). It's a nice length, light-weight and breastfeeding friendly. Some people might not [...]

Photo journaling kinda saved my life

Warning: mushy, emotion-filled stuff to follow. When my first serious relationship ended I didn't cope very well. I think most people have a story like this. I found it hard to sleep, I rarely ate, I moped and stared out into nothingness and cried that gross kind of cry where all the snot gets your [...]